The uninstallation process of the Tidio widget may be different for each user, depending on the platform on which your website stands. In this article, we will show the most common examples.
In this article, you'll learn:
If you do not want to delete Tidio from your website completely but temporarily hide the chat widget so that your website visitors will not be able to see it, check out our article on hiding the Tidio widget on your website.
Tidio App & Plugin Uninstallation
The plugin installation is available for our Shopify, WordPress, and Wix users. Below, we explain where you can delete the Tidio app for each platform.
Prior to deleting the Tidio Shopify app, you need to disable the app also in your Store. In order to do that, open your Shopify admin panel and navigate to Online Store > Themes section. There, find the theme you want to edit, and click Customize.
Click on Theme settings and open the App embeds tab. Select the Tidio Chat Widget or click the Search bar and enter Tidio Chat Widget to search through your installed apps. Next to the app embed name, you can see the toggle. Make sure the toggle is switched OFF.
To finalize the changes, click Save, and the Tidio Chat Widget will be removed from your store.
In order to do that, open your Shopify admin panel, open the Apps section, and then choose App and sales channel settings.
You'll see a list of installed apps that you can manage. To fully delete Tidio from your website, click on the red Remove button next to the Tidio - Live Chat & Chatbots app.
To finalize the changes, choose the reason for deleting and confirm it with the red Delete button. Now, Tidio Chat Widget will be removed from your store.
Please, keep in mind that removing the app in the Shopify admin doesn't necessarily remove the code that was injected into the theme when the app was uninstalled. If you still see the code in your website's source - please follow the Shopify JavaScript uninstallation process.
To uninstall the Tidio app from your WordPress panel, please head to the Plugins > Installed Plugins section. Please click on the deactivate button once you find the Tidio chat app on the list.
The deactivation button only hides the chat from your website, but the plugin is still installed on your WordPress platform. To fully delete the Tidio app - click on the delete button once the plugin is deactivated.
To delete the Tidio app from your WIX platform, head over to the WIX main menu and then into the Apps > Manage Apps category. Once you are in, click on the three dots menu on the right side of the Tidio app and then delete.
Once you approach to delete Tidio, a pop-up message will ask you to go into your WIX editor and delete the Tidio widget from there as well.
Click on the blue 'Go to Editor' button, and in the next step, fill up the reason behind your decision to delete the Tidio chat from your website.
Click on the 'publish' button in the upper right corner of your WIX editor. Now, the Tidio chat widget is entirely deleted from your website.
Javascript Code Installation
If you installed Tidio via javascript code on your website, to fully delete the Tidio chat widget, you would need to delete the Tidio widget's code from your website's code. We always recommend placing the Tidio widget's code above the closing </body> tag in your website source, so, once you would like to delete the code, please look for this place of the code to delete the Tidio code line from there.
To delete the Tidio javascript code from your Shopify website, head to the Shopify panel and select the Online Store tab.
In the Themes section, under the Online Store settings, find and click on the Customize button.
Click on the three dots menu on the left side next to the name of the Theme. The code editor will open in a separate tab.
On Mac, use: Command+F
On Windows, use: Ctrl + F
Later on, delete the whole Tidio chat widget code, which looks as follow:
*For deleted Plugins, the code may look as follow:
Save the changes after you remove the code.
Once all the Tidio codes are deleted from your website's code - the chat widget is fully deleted from your website.
Open the Theme Footer (footer.php) file located in your WordPress panel (Appearance > Editor) and look for the code above the closing </body> tag.
On Mac, use: Command+F
On Windows, use: Ctrl + F
Later on, delete the whole Tidio chat widget code, which looks as follow:
Remember to press the Update file and refresh your website once you are done deleting the code.
Access the server on which your website is hosted with the tool allowing you to modify the files or log in to your respective platform Dashboard.
Now, while it might differ depending on how your website is built, the rule of thumb would be to search for the files with .html or .php extension.
Usually, it will be either index.html or index.php, but there might also be some additional subpages files. If you would have any doubts, please contact your web designer or respective platform support to learn where the Tidio code was placed.
Use the search tool or scroll down to the very bottom of the file to locate the closing </body> tag.
On Mac, use: Command+F
On Windows, use: Ctrl + F
Later on, delete the whole Tidio chat widget code, which looks as follow:
Remember to press the Update file and refresh your website once you are done deleting the code.
If you have trouble with deleting the Tidio code, please get in touch with our support team at
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