If you made some changes in your Tidio widget settings, and they're not reflected in the Tidio widget on your website we'll guide you through troubleshooting steps to ensure that the chat widget reflects the most up-to-date settings. By following these steps, you'll be able to resolve any visibility issues and display the chat widget correctly.
In this article, you'll learn:
- How to make sure all changes are saved
- How to make sure the changes are visible in the chat widget
- How to make sure the widget is visible on your website
Saving the changes
To ensure that any modifications you make to the chat widget settings take effect on your website, it's crucial to save the changes. At the bottom of almost every settings page you'll find a blue Save button. Clicking this button will save all the changes made within that specific section or tab.
Most chat widget settings can be found in the Settings > Live Chat section, along with their respective tabs (Appearance, Chat Page, etc.). Saving the changes within these tabs ensures that they are applied correctly.
Once the changes are saved, they will appear after you refresh your website or open your website in a completely new incognito window (explained below).
Changes are not visible
If you've saved the changes, but they are not appearing in your chat widget, the browser cache could be the issue. To resolve this, try clearing your browser cache and then refresh the site again. Clearing the cache allows the browser to fetch the most recent version of your website, including the updated chat widget.
Alternatively, if you prefer not to clear your browser cache, you can open your website in a completely new incognito/private window. This ensures that the widget is displayed without any cached data, allowing you to preview the recent changes accurately.
Widget is not visible on the website
If you've saved the changes, but the entire widget is not visible on your website, please check the Tidio visibility settings to ensure it's set to be displayed.
Chat Visibility
Navigate to Settings > Live Chat > Appearance, and access the Visibility and position section. Ensure that the Display toggle is switched on to make the widget visible on your website (note that these settings are available for desktop and mobile separately):
To customize the widget's visibility, you can choose to display it on chosen devices or use the Hide on specific pages option to hide it from specific pages only.
Hide the widget when offline
If you've disabled the Display widget when operators are offline option, make sure you're online in your panel to display the Tidio widget on your website. In this case, the widget will only appear on your page when you're online in your Tidio panel.
You can see and adjust this setting in the Advanced section, found inside Settings > Live Chat > Appearance:
When the toggle next to the Display widget when operators are offline is turned on - the chat widget will be displayed in both scenarios (when you are online or offline). If the toggle is switched off - the widget will only be shown when you are online in your Tidio project.
By following the troubleshooting steps outlined in this article, you can ensure that the changes made to your Tidio widget settings are properly saved, visible in the chat widget, and displayed on your website. Remember to save your changes, clear the browser cache or open a new incognito window, and check the Tidio visibility settings to address any visibility issues effectively. If non of these troubleshooting steps works, get in touch with our support team at support@tidio.net
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